This page shows you the plans period by period
This System began with the new construction of the site. Every plan refers to one period of 6 months it will be withdrawn and placed then on the main page.
You can always have access to the details by this page in using the links on (The Page Plan)
PLAN 1rst part of the year2002:
(1er Semester)

- Introduction.

1- Medical service.

2- Social Service.

3- School service:

   3.1 -Belgian sponsorship.
   3.2-World Vision Sponsorship
   3.3-Lebanese Sponsorship
Attended Studies
   3.5- Day Nursery

4-Group Service
   4.1-Children's Club
   4.2-Teenagers Group (Boys)
   4.3-Teenagers Group (Girls)
   4.4-Girls Group.
   4.5-Young men Group.
   4.6-Some Volunteers Group.
   4.7-Third Age Group.
   4.8-Women's Club

5- Sessions:
   5.1 -French Course
   5.2- Literacy class
   5.3-Sewing Workshop
   5.4-Computer courses

6- Projects
   6.1 - Brunch and lunches
   6.2 -American Women Association
   6.3 -Clothing
   6.4 -Student Hostel

Chiah, St. Hubert Center
Beirut - Lebanon
Tel: 01- 276064
Medical Social Center Fanar
Beirut - Lebanon
Tel: 01 684362
