How to use to best this site

  • Relate in summary year per year what "The Voice of the Lebanese Woman " has undertaken. The historic page is composed of links that will help you to access the year you intend to see.
  • Brief preview of the 2 centers of the association. The Center St.Hubert and the Médico-Social Center of Fanar.
  • The historic in photos shows you how has evolved the association while starting with l'Equipe till "La Voix de la Femme Libanaise " most periods represent with photos that we would like to forget. It is such situations and very difficult , that these Ladies tried to relieve people in the need"La Voix de la Femme Libanaise "continue on her path.
    We are facing an economic war that took the relief of the war of the weapons!
  • It is a special page that we created, it is customized and consist to show 10 messages on the same page where will appear the photo of the child sponsored and his/her hand-written message to his/her godfather/godmother. It is sufficient to put the mouse over any message Example: put the mouse over Message 01 and the message appears with the photo , Message 02 will show you another message etc...
  • -Medical, Social, School, Groups and Sessions
    Each service has its page and speaks in details of the medical, social, school cases as well as the projects and the self-financing.
  • It is the usual page with all data to sponsor a child.
  • Open page to the visitors of this site, who would like to send us a message. Your commentaries, your appreciations, your critiques , on the association and the Web site, will be appreciated , as well as your opinion to make the site more interesting.