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4-1 Children's Club  4.2 Teenager(Boys)  4-3Teenagers(Girls)  4-4 Girls


4-1 Children' club
A coordinator, a social assistant and seven volunteers follow up 54 children, age range between 7 and 13 years.

  - Help the child to know his rights and duties.
  - Abide by the rules of the group.
  - To be able to have a healthy relations with others.

Click on the photo to enlarge

-Video "Home alone", breakfasts, panels, indoor games, society games, comic strips, puppets, tales, drawings.
  - An outing to the movies on Christmas and Ramadan.
  - Games were organized at school as well as a lunch and a distribution of gifts to all the children. .

Various Exit
Click on the photo
  to enlarge

Medical Examination:
At the beginning of the school year, a clinical examination for 60 children of the Club was done by the volunteer doctors.

Statistics of the detected cases were the following:

Diseases Number/60 children
Ophthalmologic problems 17
Lice 6
Bad teeth and decays 6
Mild mental retarded 2
Heart murmur 1

The parents were notified of the problems and directed to specialized doctors.
A follow-up was made to ascertain of the good health of the children.

Click on the photo to enlarge


- Civic education (environment).
- Contact with the Y.A.S.A* : an action plan will be carried out in 4 parts:
    a- A conference regarding road accidents.
    b- Applied practical work, like teaching driving on small cars.
    c- Training of volunteers to ensure a follow-up with the children.
    d- Children participation to a gathering at the UNESCO. Prizes shall be distributed to the children
(5 000 persons will attend).

*It is to be noted that the Y.A.S.A works on the prevention of road accidents due to speed driving.

Christmas Click on the photo to enlarge

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4-2 Teenagers group for boys:

17 teenagers, age varies between 13 and 15 years.
2 times a week :

  • Manual activities such as pottery, painting.
  • Open club: for games ping pong, computer, society games.
  • Sport activities: (basket-ball, walking, bicycle).
  • The group had a dinner at Christmas time and for Iftar . They prepared a dinner at the center as well as a small evening gathering.
  • Outdoor activities: cinema, Rainbow (leisure club), snow excursion.

    The group welded very quickly, the spirit of mutual assistance exists between them, they worry about each other in case of absence and they visit each other.

    Certain boys don't express themselves; the objective would be to give them more self-confidence.

    -Topics to discuss: adolescence, its impact, and its problems. Physical changes.
    -An Internet club to enable them to acquire knowledge in data processing.

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    4-3 Teenagers' Group for girls
    16 girls, range of age 13 to 15 years.
    Click on the photo to enlarge

    Snow outing, cinema, computer, painting on glass, panels.

       - Awakening on the level of the behavioral problems.
       - To inform the group about the phase of adolescence at a physical and mental level, relational transformation (parents, friends, school)

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    4-4 Young Girls Group:
    l5 girls, age 16 years and over

    Click on the photo to enlarge
       - Games of knowledge testing (slides.). Painting on towels, pots made out of cord.
        - Outdoor activities; snow, cinema.

    More communication is established between the members of the group, and thus the group is more united. Regular presence, excuses are given in case of absence.

    Christmas Dinner
    Click on the photo to enlarge

       - To enhance the young girl's capacity of analysis (to discuss every day's life topics)
        - To work on the personal development such as behavior and attitude.

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    4-5 Young men Group:
    Name of the team " All Stars" 17 young men,
    age range from 16 to 18 years

    This phase of recruitment lasted two months. Family visits were made to explain to the parents the objectives of the center and for a better knowledge of the young people surroundings. The starting point was a sport activity requested by the young people, the basketball.
    Our aim was to teach the young men the rules of living in a group and how to achieve other goals.
    A uniform was selected symbolizing the cohesion of the members of the group.
    The price was paid by the young people themselves as a sign of their attachment to this group the name selected concretized a certain identity. The youth had to pay a participation to cover part of the rent of the training ground.
    Other activities were made to consolidate the allegiance to the group and to help the youth discover their surroundings; Discovery of Internet in a net café, table tennis competition, a dinner at Ramadan and Christmas, society games, meetings of free discussions about different topics, video and discussion of the movies subject.

    After three months of contact, the group reached a certain degree of homogeneity and started to assimilate some standards and rules of life in a group. However, their degree of tolerance to any kind of frustration, even justifiable, is very low, with a great tendency to resolve conflicts by aggressiveness. It seems that a whole culture is rooted in their subconscious, which develops this kind of behavior and encourages them to adopt it.

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    4-6 Group of the volunteers:
    Seven volunteers are in charge of the animation of the Children's club: 3 boys and 4 girls.
    The objective of this group is to help them acquire competences at the technical and theoretical levels in order to control, and intervene with the children.

    Click on the photo to enlarge

      - They have a critical glance on their work.
      -They intervene effectively in their group, In the event of major problems with the child like mild backwardness, hypersensitiveness etc.

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    4.7- Third Age Group:
    Seven old women, live in the locality and visit the center once a week.

       - To help them overcome the feeling of loneliness and isolation.
       - To ensure a medical follow-up.

      -Weekly meetings, discussion.
      - Outing for Christmas.
    Click on the photo to enlarge


       - Regular presence despite the bad weather for it is an outing for them.
       - Presences of the cardiologist in the center, who examines their blood pressure and makes sure they, get their medicine.

    Christmas lunch
    Click on the photo to enlarge

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    4.8-The women' Club:

    24 Women.

    Click on the photo to enlarge you can see them in series from history in photos


      - Socialization of the lonely and isolated women;
      - Instill in them certain cultural notions.
      - Valorization of the woman as a human being having her own identity.

    Specialized persons gave different topics, of psychology, pedagogy, pediatrics, medical care, and esthetics.
    Celebration of Christmas took place with cake and coffee. A third year trainee animated a debate on early marriages.

    The creation of the club favored communicating and relations between these women living in the same locality but did not know each other before. They chat and visit each other and have established friendly relations. The topics discussed opened their horizons and inculcated in them certain knowledge, which they didn't have.

    They feel, that they exist as an individual, and that from now on they have few hours of their own. The environment of confidence allows them to exteriorize their feelings. It is worth mentioning that several women left the area to live in the mountains or in the suburbs of Beirut, but continue to come to the center very regularly.

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  • St. Hubert Center
    Chiah, Beirut - Lebanon
    Tel: 01- 276064
    Medical Social Center Fanar
    Beirut - Lebanon
    Tel: 01 684362
